Categories: BarcelonaSpainTRAVEL

Barcelona part2: Gaudi Park Guell

Park Guell is one of the most impressive public parks in the world. 

The park is located in Barcelona and was designed by famous architect Antonio Gaudi.

Gaudi planned and directed the construction of the park from 1900 to 1914 for Eusebi Guell for a residential park intended for sixty single- family residences. The project, however, was unsuccessful and the park became city property in 1923. Though never fully completed, it still remains one of Gaudi’s most colorful and playful works.

via: globalgrasshopper, parkguell


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  • Wow I love the pics you took of the park! I actually passed by a building that had the same whimsical style and was like 'what the heck is that..' i hadn't realized it a part of a park. I'll working on getting people to blog about their Top 10 places they've been and loved or their Top 10 places to visit in a country they've been and i'll reblog and post on me facebook account. I'm working on a startup company that revolves around travel but I really want to educate ppl on the placed they can go when they travel around the world!! Check out my blog and I would love to have you post. Thanks a bunch! xx

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